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【碳纤维方管】 碳纤维方管价格贵的主要原因是什么?

2019-09-21 11:00:09 米6体育app官网(中国)有限责任公司 浏览次数 1379


Carbon fiber square tube has a series of advantages such as light weight, high strength, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance and aging resistance, so many people tend to use carbon fiber products, and there are some high-tech products, but the price of carbon fiber square tube products is generally high. What is the reason for this?

碳纤维方管价格偏高主要原因就是其原料——碳纤维。所有的碳纤维制品都是由碳纤维原丝加工而成的,碳纤维原丝是将不同基体碳纤维在高温环境中预氧化、碳化、石墨化而得到的,需要经过多次牵伸和干燥致密化,所消耗的能源非常多,制作成本也在增加。再就是对碳纤维制品的生产所要求的技术非常高,碳纤维的生产是一个极为复杂的过程,这其中包含了一系列的物理化学反应,并且现在对于更高强度和更高模量的追求,对于此研发就需要投入大量的资金,像一些对性能要求高的产品,就需要采用高质量的碳纤维,那么价格就相对较高一些 。最后一个是技术的垄断,我么都知道碳纤维的核心技术在日本、美国等少数发达国家手中,而国内生产的碳纤维一般强度达不到要求,所以基本上所用的碳纤维依赖进口,南无价格就由供应商来定,并且他们还禁止技术的外泄,所以国内的碳纤维产业发展较为缓慢。

The main reason for the high price of carbon fiber products is its raw material-carbon fiber. All carbon fiber products are processed from carbon fiber precursors. The carbon fiber precursors are obtained by pre-oxidizing, carbonizing, and graphitizing different matrix carbon fibers in a high temperature environment. It needs to be drawn and dried for many times to densify. The energy is very much, and the production cost is also increasing. Furthermore, the technology required for the production of carbon fiber products is very high. The production of carbon fiber is an extremely complex process, which involves a series of physical and chemical reactions, and the pursuit of higher strength and higher modulus is now This research and development needs to invest a lot of money, like some products with high performance requirements, it needs to use high-quality carbon fiber, so the price is relatively higher. The last one is the monopoly of technology. We all know that the core technology of carbon fiber is in the hands of a few developed countries such as Japan and the United States. However, the strength of domestically produced carbon fiber generally does not meet the requirements, so basically the carbon fiber used depends on imports. It is up to the supplier, and they also prohibit the leakage of technology, so the domestic carbon fiber industry is developing slowly.

